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Serbia – The land of new beginnings |… | |

Serbia seen through the eyes of the World’s famous tourist bloggers, who were the guests of the National Tourism Organisation of Serbia. This video shows the impression our country left on discerning guest
„Ever thought of visiting Serbia? You might want to consider it. Serbia was in the Lonely planet top 10 of 2015, not without a reason. We're launching NEW StoryTravelers video by Mark Hofmeyr: Serbia, land of new beginnings.“ – Caspar Daniël Diederik
“Under the glare of former headlines, Serbia is shouting about its stunningly beautiful country flanked by mountainous plains, mixed with historically preserved towns and cities. Neither disappeared during war. They were simply shrouded, ready to be unveiled when the time came for a new beginning – in a Serbia that even if somewhat still politically fragmented, is both safe and open for exploration.” – Becki Enright

Srbija viđena očima globalno najpoznatijih turističkih blogera, koji su bili gosti Turističke organizacije Srbije. Ovaj video pokazuje kakav je utisak naša zemlja ostavila na ove probirljive strane goste.
Video je nastao u saradnji TOS sa and
„Da li si ikada razmišljali da posetite Srbiju? Možda je parvo vreme da razmotrite tu mogućnost. Lonely Planet je preporučio Srbiju kao destinaciju koju morate obavezno obići, i to ne bez razloga. Predstavljamo vam novi film koji smo kreirali: Srbija, zemlja novih početaka.“ – Caspar Daniël Diederik
“Iako dugo ne baš omiljena u medijima, Srbija odiše neverovatno zadivljujućom prirodom, prošarana planinskim vencima, u savršenoj sinergiji sa gradovima bogate istorije. Tokom turbulentnih vremena kroz istoriju njene lepote nisu nestale. One su jednostavno skrivene čekale vreme za novi početak – Srbija je zemlja otvorena da je istražite.” – Becki Enright

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