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When To Go

Virginia experiences four seasons with warm summers, pleasant springs, colorful falls, and chilly winters. The most popular time to visit is during the summer, but many people flock to see the changing leaves in the fall. Virginia can be an affordable place to visit year-round, but more discounts are offered in the spring and late fall.

high season: May to October
low season: January to March
shoulder season: April, November to December

The fall is considered high season in many regions where the leaves change colors.

Weather Information

Summers can be humid and hot, with average temperatures reaching 86 degrees. Sporadic thunderstorms can occur as well. Spring and fall reach average temperatures of 67 to 80 degrees, with occasional showers. Winters bring cold weather and snow in the mountains.

Crowd Information

Interstate 95, which runs directly through Virginia, experiences heavy traffic in the summer. Holidays such as Memorial Day, Independence Day, Christmas, and New Year's attract visitors from all over. Fall foliage is also a major draw for the state. NASCAR races in Martinsville and Richmond are busy times for travelers during April and October.

Closure Information

Most hotels, restaurants, and venues are open throughout the year; however, some historic sites, museums, wineries, and amusement parks may reduce their hours or close for the winter season.

When to Save

Discounts are offered as incentive to visit during the spring and fall. Weekday visits are also typically less expensive than weekend stays.

When to Book

Book in the spring or early summer for visits during fall foliage.

Information provided by Virginia Tourism