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government regulation

Why ‘airline comfort’ is an oxymoron, and is likely to remain so

Why ‘airline comfort’ is an oxymoron, and is likely to remain so Frequent Flyer

NASA suppresses alarming survey on air safety

NASA suppresses alarming survey on air safety Airfare Deals

French rail strike continues to cause chaos

French rail strike continues to cause chaos government regulation

Major media increase pressure for Passenger Bill of Rights

Major media increase pressure for Passenger Bill of Rights Frequent Flyer

Report on airlines lists worst among equals

Report on airlines lists worst among equals Frequent Flyer

Bush to tackle air travel ‘problems’

Bush to tackle air travel ‘problems’ Airfare Deals

New China routes for six U.S. cities?

New China routes for six U.S. cities? Airfare Deals

JFK, Newark may get reprieve from delays

JFK, Newark may get reprieve from delays Airfare Deals

House approves passenger bill of rights

House approves passenger bill of rights Frequent Flyer

Feds may force airlines to reduce delays

Feds may force airlines to reduce delays Airfare Deals

Feds plan flight screening improvements

Feds plan flight screening improvements Airfare Deals

Europe may relax liquid carry-on restrictions

Europe may relax liquid carry-on restrictions Airfare Deals

Air travel today: What Kahn hath wrought

Air travel today: What Kahn hath wrought Airfare Deals

European Union takes on deceptive airfare pricing

European Union takes on deceptive airfare pricing Airfare Deals

Cramped coach seats put your health at risk

Cramped coach seats put your health at risk Frequent Flyer